once we were free

cold feet

Posted in Uncategorized by rge on January 27, 2007

He had always been terrified of them. Their eyes shining out at him behind wavy veils. The way their hands were so soft and cool, brushing lightly against a cheek, pushing back a strand of hair. They were terrible and beautiful, walking wreathed in flame. What could he possibly have to say? “Hey,” she said, “do you like scrabble?”


Posted in Uncategorized by rge on January 25, 2007

“I’m tired of the world,” she said. So she started walking. On her feet she carried the dust of the mountains and the valleys. Finally she found a place safe and quiet, all her own. She lay upon the sweet-smelling grass, crushed and cradling like a pillow. “I am alone, now,” she whispered. Tears ran like dew on the ground.

new thing

Posted in Uncategorized by rge on January 25, 2007

so i found this site that had a bunch of 55 word stories on it.
i figure it couldn’t hurt my burgeoning writing skills to try my hand.
this may not be original, but nothing really is.
my stories will be a little more flexible, say <60 words?
will it work? let’s watch…

misology, maybe? nah.

Posted in Uncategorized by rge on January 20, 2007

we were gods once, i think.
why else this sense of things gone wrong?
the cultural indoctrination of Christian moral standards?
chemical imbalance?
tension of the information age, absorbing centuries of knowledge in years?
maybe. sounds like a cop-out to me.
it’s more basic, it was around before Christianity,
or the internet, or freud, or darwin, or rush limbaugh.
and atheism, drugs, and the amish
don’t seem to be fixing things.
people (not just smart ones) know there’s something wrong.
the way a one-legged man knows he’s missing something.
it’s not like we want something more, like wanting three eyes.
we just want back what we’ve lost.
if i’m any kind of representative whatsoever,
we’ve lost a hell of a lot.
which is kind of encouraging, if you think about it.
think how high a place we must have fallen from.
there’s at least the possibility of reaching it again.
i’ve pretty much given up on answers. questions, too.
everyone’s got about a million of both, and you can take your pick.
it’s not that i think i can’t know, or that there are no answers.
they just ring cold and metallic in the face of
anything real or beautiful. those things
are their own answers, i think.
it’s not good for man to be alone.
maybe he just has to realize that he’s not.
i don’t really want to. it might mean losing too much.
i never liked shots much, either.

dude, that was epic.

Posted in Uncategorized by rge on January 13, 2007

rain and cold outside but warm inside.
there’s something  archetypal about it,
maybe it goes back to us being huddled in caves around fires.
in any case, I like it.
college is strange, I’m having to remind myself that it’s not my life.
despite what humanities profs say, something in me rebels against
great texts being the answers to everything. and that’s fighting a love
of books that is ingrained in me, so it has to be pretty strong.
i’m beginning to realize that i’m not cut of the academic cloth.
(though the fact that I used that phrase would suggest otherwise)
interesting as philosophy can be,
I’m infinitely more interested and moved by stories.
about people, about dragons, about swords that have names.
they’re more real (yes, the dragons, too) than what aristotle tries to cut and dry
(emphasis on dry).
I’ve been thinking about what it means to be a hero.
When it comes down to it, no one really wants to be one.
I think I might try it.
It’d be nice to be able to face life and tear its arm off,
and then go decapitate its mom with a Giant sword.
at the bottom of a lake.
and there are snakes.
there’s something bleak but honest about those Norsemen.
i’d have a lot more respect for existentialists today if they slayed a few more dragons.

Homecoming (in reverse)

Posted in Uncategorized by rge on January 7, 2007

Being back at college is strange.
The break was a lot of things.
I don’t really want to talk about it.
I’ve said and worried and thought too much about it already.
I’m still not sure what answers, if any, I’ve arrived at.
Maybe that’s an answer in itself.
I change too much to trust myself.
This weekend was cold, and beautiful, and fun.
Stephen Speaks sang love songs, and they made sense.
I remembered why I should be doing things,
and realized that I haven’t been. There’s some peace in it.
Independence Day is a great movie.
Baris III has the best chicken parmigiano subs ever.
And God is good. I’d forgotten.